At-Home Healthcare Named a National Best Practice Agency and Recipient of Award of Distinction

At-Home Health Top 25

Congratulations, Beloit Health System At-Home Healthcare, named a national best practice agency by Fazzi Associates and recipient of the Home Health CAHPS Award of Distinction for patient experience. The BHS Family is proud to deliver this vital service to our community.

Beloit Health System At-Home Health ranked in the top 25% of Fazzi's National Home Health CAHPS database, based on Fazzi Associates analysis of agencies over the last year. At-Home Health was presented with the Home Health CAHPS Award of Distinction this February. This award is presented by Fazzi Associates to home health organizations that have demonstrated superior performance.

Fazzi Associates helps home care, palliative care, and hospice providers improve quality, productivity, efficiency, and patient and family satisfaction through consulting, education, and outsourced services. 
