Maps & Directions

Driving Directions

  • Driving directions from the North: Take I-90/39 East and exit on Avalon Road. Turn right on Avalon Road. At the stop and go light, turn left onto County G (Prairie Avenue.) Once you are in the 35 mph speed zone, watch for the hospital main entrance sign on the corner of Prairie Avenue and Hart Road (about a block past the next stop and go light.)
  • Driving directions from the South: Take I-90/39 West and exit on Hwy. 81 West. Turn right on Cranston Road (Walmart is on the corner.) At approximately the fourth stop and go light turn right on Prairie Avenue. Watch for the ShopKo Plaza and Pizza Hut to your right. Hart Road is the first right turn after Pizza Hut.
  • Driving directions from the East: Take I-43 S toward Beloit. Turn right on Cranston Road (Walmart is on the corner.) At approximately the fourth stop and go light turn right on Prairie Avenue. Watch for the ShopKo Plaza and Pizza Hut to your right. Hart Road is the first right turn after Pizza Hut.
  • Driving directions from the West: Take WI-213/S WI-213 to W CR-Q/W Beloit-Newark Road. After you go over the bridge, turn left on Riverside Drive/US-51 and then take a quick right on Elmwood Avenue. Turn left on Prairie Avenue (CR-G) and then right on West Hart Road.

Motels and Hotels

Beloit Memorial Hospital, part of the Beloit Health System, is within ten to fifteen minutes driving time from several hotels/motels located off the Highway 81 West exit off I-90/39. Click on the link below to learn more and start taking control of your health and wellness.

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