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HIV Disease

Call or email the Hospice Team for the most accurate assessment of the patient’s eligibility.


Eligibility Criteria

The patient must have A or B, then 2 and 3.

A. CD4 + Count<25 cells/mm3

B. Persistent viral load> 100,000 copies/ml from 2 or more assays at least 1 month apart


  1. At Least 1 of the following conditions:

    CNS lymphoma

    Untreated or refractory wasting (loss of >33% lean body mass)

    Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) bacteriemia, untreated, refractory or treatment refused

    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

    Systemic lymphoma

    Refractory visceral Kaposi’s sarcoma

    Renal failure in the absence of dialysis

    Refractory cryptosporidium infection

    Refractory toxoplasmosis

    Treatment resistant symptomatic dysrhythmias

    History of unexpected or cardiac related syncope

    CVA secondary to cardiac embolism

    History of cardiac arrest or resuscitation


  1. Palliative Performance Scale of <50% (requires considerable assistance and frequent medical care, activity limited mostly to bed or chair)
Supporting evidence for hospice eligibility:

Chronic persistent diarrhea for one year
Persistent serum albumin <2.5
Concomitant active substance abuse

In the absence of one or more of these findings, rapid decline and comorbidities may also support eligibility for hospice care.