Infusion Therapy

The Infusion Center of Beloit Health System offers a convenient option for patients requiring infusion therapies or treatments for a variety of conditions. It is a cost-effective, comfortable, and safe alternative for those who need treatment not requiring home health visits or inpatient hospital admissions.

Services and treatments include:

  • Administration of intravenous medications
  • Administration of hydration and antiemetics
  • Administration of blood and blood component therapy
  • Care and maintenance of implanted chest ports
  • Administration of intra muscular and/or subcutaneous injections

These services are available at Beloit Clinic by appointment Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. Exceptions in scheduling can be made to provide 7 days a week, 24-hour availability when needed.

For additional information, contact:

Jeannie Yowler, Director
Beloit Health System Medical Outpatient Clinic
1969 W. Hart Rd., Beloit, WI 53511

Phone: 608.364.5610

  • Committed to our Community. Dedicated to your Health.

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