Palliative Care

Commitment to Quality

Palliative care is specialized medical care for people with serious illness. Care can begin as soon as diagnosis and is focused on providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a chronic or lasting acute illness. Unlike hospice, patients receiving palliative care can still seek curative treatments. Clinicians who practice palliative medicine are knowledgeable in symptoms management and control while focusing on helping patients and their families cope with fears about the future or caregiver stress.

Beloit Health System Palliative Care also offers services above and beyond the typical scope of palliative care to enhance the quality of life for patients. Our variety of services includes:

  • Home visits from a nurse practitioner, social worker, and/or chaplain
  • Regular check-in calls from a registered nurse
  • 24/7 on-call triage telephone service
  • Coordination with the patient’s primary physician

Is Palliative Care the Same as Hospice Care?

No. The goals of both types of care are symptom and pain management. Palliative care can be provided alongside curative treatment during any stage of a serious illness, while hospice focuses on preserving quality of life after a life expectancy diagnosis of six months or less.

Do I Qualify for Palliative Care?

Palliative care may be right for you if you are suffering from one or multiple severe illnesses that impact your quality of life and limit your activities. We also offer palliative care to those who have had frequent emergency department visits or multiple hospitalizations within 12 months. Patients who desire emotional and/or spiritual support may also be candidates for palliative care.

Palliative care services may be covered entirely or in part by Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, HMOs, or managed care programs. Beloit Health System Palliative care will bill Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance for the services provided. Patients will be responsible for applicable co-payments and deductibles, as routinely applied by their health insurance carrier. No patient will be denied services based on inability to pay.
